Sunday, June 26, 2011

Sunday Fun!

Can it almost be the end of June and we haven't even taken the ATV out of the garage yet??

We took care of that situation on Sunday when we BOTH were finally home and had a chance to do some riding!! I packed a picnic - Glenn loaded the ATV on our new trailer and remarked how EASY it was to load and we were off!!

The weather was beautiful - hot and sunny with a nice breeze! We ended up about 45 minutes from home in an area we hadn't ridden yet and soon had the ATV loaded and were off and running!!

We had just started riding and turned a corner when we saw TWO big horned sheep right in the meadow beside us - wow - they have some magnificent horns!!

It felt great to be riding!! The roads were a little dusty because of the lack of rain but the mountains in the distant still sported some snow!

We stopped for a picnic in a wooded aspen setting and had fun watching this beautiful gray squirrel - of course he kept climbing higher and higher when I went over to take his picture so the next shot is one of those "FIND" shots where you have to really LOOK to even see him.

If you don't see him, he's almost dead center, a little to the right, sitting on a branch behind some leaves - he was actually in the open when I had the camera but moved at the last minute!

We rode and rode - and we were at the top of this one mountain when we drove over the top to the other side and saw WHAT???? A junkyard - old cars, old trailers, junk upon junk on this road to the right with a sign that said Private Drive!! What an eyesore it was!!

We stayed on our road and went up a little further but soon found the end of the trail and had to come back down - Glenn decided that we would cut over to the private drive on the OTHER side of the junkyard as he thought that just that portion was private - I said no, let's not but he proceeded to anyway!

So we're climbing this steep, rocky, narrow path that really doesn't look like it's used much when I see at the top, a vehicle and a trailer house - yikes - this IS private and we're heading up their driveway!! After seeing all the JUNK below, I've having visions of someone coming out of the trailer with a shotgun, yelling that we're on private property and I'm sure Glenn is thinking the same thing!! He stops the ATV and cuts the engine - about this time I'm thinking - meth lab - crazy people - we may not get out of this alive - ha ha!!!

Well, there is NO place to turn around of course as we have the mountain on one side and a cliff on the other so Glenn does the next best thing - he starts backing - I of course had already jumped off and try to guide him - when he gets to a spot that the ATV won't roll over, I push!! I think we were both shaking in our boots by this time too and it seemed to take FOREVER to get down that path - luckily Glenn is an excellent backer!! And yes, we did make it back down in one piece and got the heck out of dodge!!! NEVER AGAIN, I tell Glenn...........

The rest of the day was thankfully uneventful - and we left a little sunburned, a little sore from riding but with smiles on our faces!!


Teri said...

What a fun day! Love the pics.

ahh bear said...

I'm glad that your day didn't involve any shot guns or meth labs - that scares me just thinking about it! But the views were beautiful.

DrKeppy said...

Ohhh that does sounds scary! Does it surprise me that Glenn would get you into something like that? Not at all!