Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Ft. Collins Fun

Glenn and I FINALLY made it to Jill and Robby's house - because they had been down to our house several times during the summer, we just hadn't made it up there yet!!  So yes, we were the LAST of the family to see their beautiful remodeled basement!!  It looks so nice and it was a pleasure to sleep in a bed instead of  the air mattress!!  They really did a great job on it and I can't believe the transformation!!
It was nice outside (of course) by the time we got to their house after the childrens' museum - the kids wanted to play outside for a while and Parker was all smiles!!
After dinner, Aleah insisted on painting!  They looked cute as can be and really enjoy that activity!

Jill is VERY patient when her kids paint - Parker probably had more paint on his hands and the table than on the paper (which would have driven me crazy when my kids were little!) but Jill was very calm about the situation and when they were done, promptly cleaned him up!!

Sunday Robby and I went shopping - I had decided on my N. Falls trip that I wanted a small computer like what Teri carries when she travels - it's about a 10" one and I knew it would be perfect as many trips as we take - my large laptop gets mighty heavy carting it around!!  So we headed to Best Buy and found the one I wanted but they didn't have it in stock in Ft. Collins - Jill and I later went to Loveland to pick it up!  So I'm now the owner of a cute little notebook!!

Mid-afternoon we headed to their church in the country which is right beside a pumpkin patch - so the church was hosting a get together with free admission into the patch - Robby was busy downloading things onto my little computer so Jill and I and the kids headed over!

We had fun walking through the hay maze and the corn maze!

Aleah and Parker both thought it was fun to carry the corn around!

Robby and Glenn came a little later and after picking out a pumpkin, we headed over to the church where they served hot dogs and root beer floats!!  Jill and I even participated in a "Pie Walk" but didn't win a pumpkin pie - darn!!

All too soon it seemed it was time to head back up the mountain!!  We sure had a great time with all of the kids and grand kids!!


Teri said...

Sounds like a great time. Hope you enjoy your new little computer!

Patty Jensen said...

Awwww so fun to see the pics of Jill and her family!!!

DrKeppy said...

Glad you got to go to a pumpkin patch!!! :) Super cute pictures!!!