Monday, October 15, 2012

The Alleged Pumpkin Patch Weekend

It was time for our pre-planned Pumpkin Patch Weekend so of course we tried to fit in as many things as we could - we're just not known for relaxing weekends!!
Glenn and I headed to Colorado Springs mid-afternoon on Friday as he had an appointment at the granite warehouse and from there we headed to dinner, office supply store and shoe store to get him new tennis shoes!! And then it was a nice drive to Denver as most of the traffic had subsided!
Jaime's arrived home shortly after we got to their place as Rayna was involved in a 2 day volleyball tournament - and yes they won their game Friday night!!  I played games with Kylan and Rayna till bedtime and slept like a rock!!
But the night seemed short as Jaime and I had to get up early to be at our 8:00am laser appts!  We raced back to the house and Glenn and I went to Jessi's for our adjustments before Jessi and I headed to coffee and the guys took the kids to ball practice and a game!!  I actually tried something different this time at Caribou - a white chocolate pumpkin mocha - yummy!!!  Soon it was time to head to Evan and Kylan's game - and it was COLD out as you can see by this picture!!  Never fails, of the 2 times we've seen them play, it was COLD !!!
Evan was all smiles, even though he was cold!

Kylan is all set to play!!

It was Evans' turn today to get the award and he was proud as can be!!

After the game Jaime headed to Rayna's tournament and we brought Kylan back to Jessi's to grab a bowl of chili before it was time to head to the Pumpkin Patch!

By this time it's raining out - darn - but we leave anyway and Jill is also on her way from Ft. Collins to meet us in Broomfield - not only where the pumpkin patch is but also where Rayna's tournament is!!  The traffic was horrible and the rain was even worse!!  Jessi called the pumpkin patch and they told us it was NOT raining there so to come on over - right!!!  By the time we get there, it's pouring and they're putting out the CLOSED sign - once again, the pumpkin patch was not to be!!

We all regrouped in a parking lot and decided to head to Dairy Queen to give the kids ice cream and then to head to a children's museum which was very close by!! 

The kids all loved their cones, as did the adults!! (sorry Jessi, I'm sure you won't love this picture of you in the background - ha ha)

And then it was off to the museum!!!  To be cont'd..............


DrKeppy said...

You know you could've cropped me out of the picture! I guess I'm kind of mimicking Parker's face though! Sigh - I can't believe our pumpkin patch luck!!! said...

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