Wednesday, September 4, 2013

August Back-Up

What happened in August?  PLENTY!!
First of all, we did the granite in a new home in Colorado Springs that was featured in the Parade of Homes - this was a home that had burned in the Waldo Canyon fire and was a rebuild.  The house is absolutely gorgeous!! 
The construction company asked if all of the sub-contractors could help man the house during the Parade of Homes (which lasted for 16 days) and since Glenn couldn't get away during the week, I was chosen to help.  I worked 3 days there and was actually in the lower level where the beautiful bar was located - even though the granite in the kitchen was pretty, most people had questions about the bar granite since it was leathered, kind of a new concept!  I handed out cards and talked to many, many people during those days. 
Glenn and I both worked all day on a Saturday - it was constant people as 1000 people went through between 10:00 and 6:00 - we were sure beat at the end of that day!!

 The granite turned out beautiful all over the house but the next prettiest was the laundry room - wouldn't you like to have your laundry room look like this?


I FINALLY, FINALLY beat Jessi at Ruzzle - this is an IPhone game that I play with her - I have played probably hundreds of games and never won because as we all know, Jessi is FANTASTIC at word games.  So I'm not sure if she just LET me beat her or if she was having a bad day - needless to say, I was VERY EXCITED that I beat her.  Probably will never happen again...........


Work has been very busy!  We're booking about 3 months in advance and I have taken on a lot more responsibility to free Glenn up!  We have 4 full time employees now and things have finally settled down to a happy medium.  The organizational skills that I have implemented to the business are working out great and things are running smoothly - which is always a plus!  Many days I bring home files for Glenn to get quotes ready so I can email them out the next day but all in all, we've happy with the business and are thrilled we have this much work!


I finished one of my projects that has been looming in the back of my mind for a while!  Because I'm so organized, I think every picture I have ever taken since high school was in a photo album - which meant that every time we have to pack up to be ready for evacuation during wildfire season, I had 15 boxes of just photo albums - heavy boxes!!  And of course the albums were old, some were those sticky ones with the plastic covers, etc. - and I just decided it was time to downsize!  So I bought those nice perfect boxes from Hobby Lobby, pulled pictures out for hours (and also made piles to give to Teri and Patty of pictures of them and their kids) and then placed them in the boxes according to years.  I now have 4 boxes full of pictures placed right along with my scrapbooks so they are not only all in one place, but 4 boxes will fit into one box when and if we have to evacuate.  A project that I can now cross off my list!


The 2 businesses on each side of us are gone.  The auction house has moved to a new location and the Hydroponics store went out of business.  It feels rather desolate around here now -  but the parking is wonderful since it's only us!!


Glenn FINALLY got the fuel pump back in the explorer - he drove it a couple of days and then it died at the bottom of the driveway.  I guess the good news is that he was almost home when it did that - but so far he hasn't been able to locate the problem - good thing we have kept that old explorer for him to drive when we need 2 vehicles. 


And the exciting news of the day:  we are HOME this weekend with NO PLANS.  That doesn't happen very often around our house!!  Glenn has already informed me that he wants to go pickup shopping and I think I'll tell him I want to go 5th wheel shopping (I should say looking) and he actually said we might go to a movie!!!  WOW - I have been out of the loop looking at movies for ages so guess I better see what's even around and read some reviews!  I'm already excited!


Jill said...

Awesome recap! You'll have to tell me about the "leathering" for the granite.

Teri said...

Love your recap! You guys must be soooo busy! Can't wait to get all caught up next month when we get together. Can you believe it is only a month away?