Tuesday, September 10, 2013

City Wide Garage Sale

 Do you think we need a new office chair for the house?   I'm trying to think how old this chair is - it belonged to a dining room set and we had that set in Arizona - and let's see, we moved to Arizona right after we were married in 1985...............gosh, is it REALLY that old??????  YES!!

Since Glenn and I had no plans for the weekend, of course we had to MAKE plans!!!  First stop - the city wide garage sale!!  I met a friend there and we all walked around to see the goodies!  The ONLY thing I had on my list was books - so of course since I had a list, there were hardly any there!!  I did manage to find 4 of them but that was disappointing...........

As we walked by a place, we saw several office chairs and then I remembered that we really did need a new chair - the price was good but I offered $10 less and they said yes!!  HOORAY - a new chair!!

The same people also had a 2 drawer filing cabinet for sale - which I had just told Glenn the week before that I needed as the one at work was FULL!  So a deal was made on that and we loaded up our things and headed over to grab coffee before we headed to Colorado Springs.

The next several hours were spent in car lots looking at trucks - and it was hot out in the Springs to the tune of 92 degrees!!!  I don't sweat much up here in the mountains but you can bet I was sweating down there..............we looked and looked and of course didn't buy anything but did get a good idea of what we WANT to buy so that was good!!

We did swing down to Camping World after lunch and looked at a few 5th Wheels - Glenn gets to pick out the truck he wants and I get to pick out the 5th wheel!!!  It was fun to peek in a lot of them but there wasn't exactly what I was looking for so that meant I wasn't tempted!!

And then it was back to looking at trucks again until 5:00 hit and I told Glenn - I'M DONE!!!  NO MORE - TAKE ME OUT FOR DINNER!!!  We ended up at Salt Grass Steak House and after a wonderful yummy drink, we had a nice dinner and lots to discuss!!


Jill said...

Yes...I would say that chair is old! Love the new one!

Teri said...

Love weekends like that when you just get to browse and dream!