Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Girls Have "Toys" Too!!

Not sure I would call this a toy but I was pretty excited when this arrived today!  I know, I know - a vacuum isn't very exciting but after hauling a heavy older model from the storage room in the lower level, up to the main level, then up to the loft and then back down to the storage room, believe me this WAS exciting!!

My new SHARK is a lot lighter than my old vacuum and I was impressed when I saw all the parts that came with it!!  I CAREFULLY read all the directions hoping I could put the thing together!!

 And I did put it all together!!  It wasn't hard at all - and I even got a nice black bag to put all the extra parts in!  I was also thrilled that it came with an attachment to do wood floors which I wasn't even aware of!!  Our new house will have more wood floors than I currently have so it will come in handy!

I'll have the perfect opportunity to put this new vacuum to use as Gary, Jessi and the kids are coming in for the weekend!!