Thursday, October 30, 2014

Up - Up - And The Basement Walls Are Set!!

 The fox block is up!!  And all those cute colored squares were my doing - my job was to tar all the seams - but it wasn't quite as fun as I thought it would be!!  The tar is thick, doesn't spread on too well and pretty messy!!  Luckily I didn't have to do the garage or the back of the house where the walk out is!

 And then after I had done all of the seams and cracks, we found out we had to tar the ENTIRE THING!  So it was back into the hardware store again to get more tar!  After finding the tar frozen up at the job site the next day, we remembered to take it to the house each night!

I was supposed to have Glenn take a picture of ME doing this since I did it all except the top layer but of course I forgot!  So here's the next best thing - Glenn doing the upper level - I don't do scaffolding!

 So after tomorrow, we'll be ready for the next inspection.

Monday morning the contractor and his crew move in!!  They'll be installing the sub floor and a week from next Monday, the logs arrive!!  As the contractor said a day ago - now if this weather just holds................

1 comment:

Teri said...

I am so excited for you! We will pray for good weather all fall.