Wednesday, October 22, 2014

House Progress

The house is FINALLY starting to move a little faster!!  Between the architect, engineer and the county, the plans are in our hands now and Glenn is moving along as fast as he can before winter strikes!

Footings are set and cement poured - his first inspection passed with flying colors!

He's also working on the septic system when he's at a standstill on the house - I had no idea it was such a procedure!!  Check out these LONG pipes from the tank to the leech field!

Glenn had over 50 tons of sand brought in for it.

Next is the fox block for the lower level of the house - Glenn calls them Lego's and is having fun putting them on - but it is taking a lot longer than he thought to do it!!  But isn't that always the case!!

This is the garage.

All in all, coming together nicely!  The weather has been super nice and the picture below is what we wake up to each morning!  Mr. Weatherman - please hold off winter for a couple of months!!

1 comment:

Teri said...

I just keep hoping the weather holds out for you. Looking great!