Wednesday, January 14, 2015

A Full Crew Means BUSINESS!

I walked up to the new house this morning and there were 7 workers plus Glenn and the contractor!!  I expect to see a LOT of progress when I walk back up this afternoon!

Glenn's son Neal and friend drove in from Iowa last night so they're hard at work putting down the ice shield today and after that will be the metal roof!  The metal roof actually doesn't arrive until tomorrow and I'm excited to see the color we picked out - a dark bronze! 

 They finished up the framing for the office (left side), bathroom, and the laundry room which leads into the garage.
 And the master bedroom bath is all finished as far as framing goes too - walk in closet to the left and across from that will be the bathroom sinks and vanity - shower behind the vanity and the toilet in the back left corner.

Yesterday we met with the cabinet guy and have a pretty good idea of what the kitchen will look like if we go with him - I'm waiting on pins and needles for the estimate!  Also ordered the windows and the outside doors so we can get it all enclosed!

I did decide on a change yesterday which involves changing the location of the master bedroom door (which is already framed in) so they'll take care of that change today - it will help with a little more space for the kitchen cabinets.

Luckily we didn't get the snow that was forecasted (just a little bit) and the sunny weather should hold till next Tuesday - if everything goes well, the roof will be done by that time!

It seems like this last week has been full of decisions I've had to make on the house - I'm just hoping I'm making the right ones!! 

1 comment:

Teri said...

I cannot imagine making all those decisions. I just made decisions on changing the cabinets and countertop in the condo and that was stressful enough. It is looking great!