Monday, January 5, 2015

Happy New Year!!

2015 - it's arrived whether we're happy about it or not!  I always like new  beginnings - changing out the calendars, cleaning out the filing cabinet and making new files for the new year, getting Christmas put away and redecorating the house (along with moving furniture!) and thinking about all those things you not only WANT to do this next year but NEED to do!

We spent a quiet New Year's Eve and New Year's Day - didn't even stay up to watch the fireworks off the peak at midnight, even though it was a gorgeous, clear night!  But we did awake about 11:15 as someone was shooting off fireworks in front of the peak and we saw a few beautiful explosions out our window from the bed!


Glenn did go rabbit hunting with a friend this last week - a nice break from working on the house!  The weather hasn't been cooperative at all the past couple of weeks so there is basically no progress to report - but this next week is to be nice all week and even into the 40's - I expect a LOT will get done!


I have found a new past time that I'm really enjoying - playing my keyboard!  That keyboard has set on the shelf for years and years and hasn't been played.  So this year I decided to get it down and practice a few Christmas songs to play for the kids instead of the guitar!  WOW - I  had forgotten how much I enjoyed playing - I used to play for church many, many years ago and piano and organ are just like riding a bike -  you really don't forget how to do it!!

I was so excited to play Christmas songs for a few weeks but now that it's over, I've moved on to other music - I ordered an "easy" classical book of songs and have enjoyed playing a lot of those - I also have a few books I have kept over the years.  But I was really surprised when I was cleaning out the storeroom and actually found a binder filled with postludes and preludes and offertories that I had copied when I used to play for church back in the late 60's.  And as soon as I started playing them, I recognized all of them!!  So if you're wondering what I'm doing in my spare time, I am practicing!!


January is always a LONG COLD month here in Colorado so I switched my blog background to remind me of the beach......................and possibly thinking of a vacation for Glenn and I since we'll celebrate our 30th wedding anniversary in March.  Because of the new house, we didn't take our normal trip in Nov. so I'm thinking it's time to get away soon!!

1 comment:

Teri said...

How fun to go back to music! At times I look at my flute and recorder and think I should pick them up again, but just not enough time in my life right now - maybe when I retire :)