Thursday, January 15, 2015

Another "Brittany Lane" Address is Officially OURS!

Remember my blog when we bought our property - the one that explained how I wrote letters to people asking them if they were willing to sell their property?  If you recall, one couple said they were coming out in October to see their property and would make a decision then whether or not they wanted to sell it.

Well, they did come out the end of October - and they did decide they were going to sell their 2 lots - both that back up to our new property.  In fact, they even called me and told me they were going to sell them and would we be interested in buying one of them. After talking it over, we decided that if the price was right, it would be great to have another 2 acres right beside ours so I called them back and asked them what the price would be.  Believe it or not, they said they would sell it for the same price as what we bought our building lot for!!!

WOW - we were SO excited and told them yes, we wanted it!!  So as of this morning, 41 Brittany Lane is also OURS!!!  It's a beautiful lot - full of trees and another rock formation!  We haven't decided if we'll do anything with it - perhaps in a couple of years, Glenn may decide to build a house to sell - who knows?

But in the meantime, it's ours!!

As you can tell by the pictures, we had beautiful sunshine today - it was a wonderful day for the guys to finish putting up the ice shield on the roof - the inspector stopped by and passed it and the metal roof was delivered by the lumber yard-  it's all hands on deck tomorrow to start putting that metal on!

1 comment:

Teri said...

Wow - lots of land - you will enjoy that!