Wednesday, January 7, 2015

January House Update

Progress on the house is finally happening again!!  The weather this week has been fantastic with temps in the 40's and snow is melting like crazy!!  I FINALLY got all of the ice off of our cement where we park the cars!

This is the back of the house - where the kitchen will be - we'll be putting trapezoid windows up high and the kitchen sink will be below the window.  To the left will be the french glass doors leading out to a deck.

 Looking from the inside towards the fireplace and living room - again trapezoid windows up high and they finally got all the logs above the windows cut and placed.

 This is the master bathroom - the shower got framed up today and Glenn is standing where the vanity will go.
 One crew is working on doing the under side of the roof - the soffet I guess you call it - they are almost over to the front of the house.  I really love how the front of the house turned out and of course can't wait to see all the rock put up on the fireplace!

Glenn's son from Iowa (Neal) will be heading out next week to put the metal roof on - I'm sure hoping the weather will hold while he's here!

Glenn is busy working on the plumbing in the lower level - I'm busy making those important decisions - ha ha!!


Teri said...

It is looking so cool! You will just love it.

DrKeppy said...

Wow it looks amazing!!!