Monday, April 27, 2015


June 1st is the magic date to list our old house - which means we have been working diligently to do all those things to the house that should have been done 7 years ago when we moved in!  Glenn is beside himself as I make him list after list after list...................But it's all stuff I can't do so he's stuck doing most of it!

I'm happy to report that we're getting close to being done INSIDE the house!  We have spent countless hours measuring and cutting trim, staining it and putting it on where needed - which is basically most everywhere in the house!  The hardest areas were to put the trim around the logs!  One major item that needed done was to redo the deck door and front door trim  - Glenn spent most of yesterday doing just that - and I've spent all morning trying to clean up sawdust - yuck!!!  But they both look great and now they just need staining which will have to wait till tomorrow as it's been snowing since yesterday and it's cold and messy outside so would be a little tough having the doors open while I stain!

Saturday I started to declutter the house - I'm a pretty simple person so don't have a lot to move but the office was the worst as I had all my scrapbooking items in there - I basically just packed it all up (as I know I won't have time to scrapbook in the next few months) and the results are amazing!!  The office looks SO much bigger now and prospective buyers can actually visualize it as a bedroom now!

I also have taken all the "personal" pictures down and am redecorating with other things - I like this simplified look more each day!!!  (Although the pictures will go up in the new house!!!)  I'm doing a room at a time and once that gets done this week, I will probably start the deep cleaning of each room which shouldn't be too bad either!!

There s a lot of work to do outside and many things I can help Glenn with once this weather breaks!  But he will have to sort all  his stuff in the garage before I start hauling it up to the new house!!  A couple days ago he built a couple of makeshift lean to sheds and will cover them with tarps to put all his garage stuff in until his workshop is built!!


Yesterday was the annual 4-H auction - even though it was snowing like crazy, I ventured in to see if I could get any bargains!!  I didn't spend nor get as much as last year but still was happy!! 

I love this ceramic tea pitcher ($6.00 - what a bargain!!!) and it looks perfect on a little table downstairs where I formerly had a personal picture!!  And this "scentsy" was perfect as it matches my kitchen now and will look great in the new house as I plan to decorate with "trees" as my theme in the living room!

Also picked up a gift certificate to a local restaurant, a free oil change where I always get my oil changed, a cord of green wood and a $100 credit towards skidster work - the guy had this last year and we used him for many hours and Glenn said we needed him again so this will be perfect!!

So all in all a good time and great bargains!!

1 comment:

Teri said...

You get the coolest things! Can't believe it is time to list your house - bet you are so excited!