Monday, May 11, 2015


I think the rain has taken over the forecast for over a week now...............every day - gloomy skies and maybe a few minutes of sunshine..............I'm really getting tired of it, although I know the wet weather is soaking the ground and helping our chances of less fires this summer.  Still..........I'm used to seeing the sun EVERY SINGLE DAY!!

It's also playing havoc with trying to power wash and stain our decks!  It's a little tough to start that major project with rain in the daily forecast! 

Glenn was supposed to have a couple days off this last weekend to fish up in Denver but you can bet he didn't get to go fishing!!  We headed up Friday afternoon and hit horrible heavy rain - you know the kind where your windshield wipers are going as fast as they can but still can't keep up!!

We actually sat in the car at Jessi's house for about 10 minutes till the weather let up!  Jessi was excited that I had brought up 6 meals for her freezer and friend Joleen had sent 2!  In between rain storms, Gary grilled up some buffalo steaks and they were excellent!!

Saturday we headed to Jessi's office for treatments and while the guys went in another direction after that, we headed to coffee!!
 Jill and her family arrived shortly after we got back to Jessi's place - unfortunately we were stuck inside all afternoon with the rain and the cold.  Gary had a HOT fire going in the fireplace and the kids were all sprawled out watching a movie in the afternoon!  Jaime was working so Jill brought Kylan over as Brad and Robby were busy installing security items at Brad's place.

 It was raining hard when it was time to leave for dinner that evening!  I snapped a cute picture of Jessi before we headed out - due date is May 22nd so it's coming right up!!

Just as we sat down at Red Lobster, the blizzard started!!  The snow came down hard and heavy and fast!!    TO BE CONT'D................

1 comment:

Teri said...

What a weekend! Sounded nice and cozy until you mentioned - snow!