Sunday, May 24, 2015

Introducing Gwyneth Hope Keppy!

Jessi always said she wanted to have their baby on May 18th - I even guessed May 18th in their online guessing game even though her due date was May 22nd (Jessi and I both have a thing for the number 8) - so when the phone call came in on May 18th about 6:15am, I was not surprised!! 

I grabbed my previously made list and quickly packed - took a quick shower - and less than an hour later was on the road to Denver along with all the other commuters!  Gosh am I glad I'm not one of them!

Jessi's contractions had basically stopped by the time I got there so we went for a long walk to get things going again - Jaime arrived - and Jill arrived - and by late afternoon she was in full labor mode and the midwife and her helper were en route!

At 7:20 that evening, Gwyneth was born!  How exciting for all of us to be present when this little bundle of joy came into the world!  She was 7# 2oz, 20 1/2" long and of course cute as a button!  I was so excited when I found out her middle name was the same as mine!!

 Glenn drove up the next morning since it was raining at home and he was anxious to meet his new grand daughter!

 Although Jessi had some boy clothes on hand from a friend, she had no girl clothes!  Now that was the perfect job for Jaime and I - shopping for newborn girl clothes!!  We hit a couple of thrift stores and made a haul, along with the new outfit she wore below!!

 I happened to capture a cute little smile when I was holding her - a little blurry but oh well!!

It was fun to hold a little one again and snap picture after picture!!  This Nana couldn't get enough of her!!

 And now they are a family of five!!!

Welcome to the world - Gwyneth Hope Keppy!!


Patty Jensen said...

Oh your pictures are so good. Love them. She is so so cute! Can't wait to see more!

Teri said...

I am so glad I got to see her! What a little doll!

DrKeppy said...

So so happy you were there! And SO thankful for all the hard work so we could just relax and snuggle - you're the best!