Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Mother's Day

Jaime soon joined us at Red Lobster and said the roads were already slick and slushy!!  But that didn't dampen our spirits!  Yummy drinks were ordered!  (The lighting was NOT great in this restaurant!!!)
 And then it was time for my Mother's Day gift!!  Check out that cute wrapping paper!!

 And here it is - my BLOG BOOK for 2014!!!  I LOVE LOVE LOVE this gift each year!!

 After a great meal and lots of fun talking, we headed back to Jessi's in the horrible weather!!  Jill's headed back to Ft. Collins that night and we finished watching a movie and the snow!!

I took this picture Sunday morning - and not a 1/2 hour later, a huge branch in front came down and about came through the glass sliding door!!  It was heavy, heavy wet snow!!

 Gary and Glenn fixed us a great breakfast and then we headed on home - yes, lots of snow our way too  -  check out our deck as the snow from the roof all came down on it!!  HMMMMM - wonder how soon that stuff will melt!!!


Teri said...

Can't believe how much snow! WOW! We don't get that here in Michigan - thank goodness. But what a great Mother's Day for you.

Jill said...

Happy Mother's Day to the best Mom their is!