Sunday, May 17, 2015

Up, Up And Away

One of the MANY projects that is on the list to do for the OLD house is to remove the hot tub and then repair the deck!  Our hot tub has had some major problems and we finally decided a few weeks ago it just wasn't worth fixing.  So that means pulling it out of the deck where it sits and then rebuilding the deck as the hot tub sat at ground level and the deck was built around it!!

Today was the day!
 The hot tub did NOT want to come out - since the deck was built around it, there were places that just wouldn't clear the tub.  Finally Glenn took the chain saw to the deck and cut off a few inches on a couple of the sides - that did the trick!!

 I thought for sure the hot tub would come crashing down but the ropes and chain held!!

Whew - what a nice job to be done with!! 


Teri said...

So glad you got it out! Now on to the repairs and staining - yuck!

Patty Jensen said...

Oh wow! I didn't realize the deck was built around it - just one more thing to do!!