Thursday, July 21, 2016

Happy 4th of July - 2016

It always brings a smile to my face when the 4th of July rolls around - I love decorating in red, white and blue and almost forgot to put out the decorations that I have!!

Also a time to celebrate Aleah's 7th birthday and Robby and Jill's anniversary, married 13 years!!  The Savages all went to Iowa to celebrate over the 4th so we celebrated with them later................

On Sunday, we went over to Dick and Jane's cabin in Guffey for the day - took our new ATV to try out on their mountain and had fun traveling over their ranch!  Their son Eric and some friends also ATV'd with us for a while!

Glenn and Dick worked on their solar system after that while Jane and I relaxed on their deck with books and wine!  We all enjoyed grilled burgers and fruit salad that afternoon and early evening we headed into Guffey for a light dinner - great times!

And our 4th?????  We actually decided to go camping on the 4th, knowing that most people would be headed home!  So Monday morning we packed the 5th wheel, hooked on to the ATV trailer and were out the door by 9:30am!  But that's another blog..................

1 comment:

Teri said...

Sounds like you are really enjoying your summer - I am so happy for you!