Monday, July 18, 2016

The Final Adventure of Evan and Kylan

All too soon the last day arrived for Evan and Kylan!  In the little time they had left  before it was time to head to Co. Springs to meet Brad, they were at their "base".  One of our rock formations has this small place you can get in between and they had a ball making it their fort!

 One of their favorite things to do - whack off the dead branches!!  Of course, a few cuts and bruises resulted from this!

 The boys had a great time doing all the fun things I had planned for them!

 And of course they really enjoyed spending time with Papa doing the fishing and the rock hounding!

 We met Brad at Chick-fil-A for lunch - gosh that place is busy!!  Caught Kylan with a mouthful here!!

After chicken and ice cream, it was time to say good-bye to their summer adventure - one they won't forget I'm sure!!


Teri said...

So many fun things! Bet they loved it all!

DrKeppy said...

It definitely won't be forgotten! Evan is already dreaming of next time....!

Jill said...

So fun! You are the best!