Saturday, July 30, 2016

ATVing The Loop

There's nothing better when you're camping than to wake up to the smell of coffee!!  Patty and Leonard had slept well on the queen bed made up from the couch - I on the other hand didn't sleep so well as I woke up to one of my panic attacks as there was no light that I could see!  Apparently the solar light that I had brought in was not charged up long enough!!  Anyway, it has prompted me to now buy a night light that runs off of batteries - yes, I have a flashlight handy but never think to turn it on!!

ANYWAY, we cooked a hearty breakfast, packed a lunch and again we were off!!

The loop the guys had found was a great spot to ATV - I believe it was around 26 miles through trees and valleys and lots of rocks!!  We enjoyed several stops!

Ah, my gorgeous aspen trees!!  Every time I go through them I think about what they are going to look like in the fall!  Yes, we'll be back here come September!!

And the columbines................there were hundreds of them around and I couldn't stop snapping pictures of them so had to post just one more perfect one!

Twice we had to go through the water - I take that back, 3 times - although the first one I didn't count because it was the MUDDY water from rain.  Glenn hit it pretty hard with the ATV and the mud and water came back at me with a vengeance!!!  YUCK!!!  But the next 2 were the pretty spring water streams and that is always fun to go through!!  Patty and Leonard thought it was pretty cool to drive through them!

Tenderloin steak and foil potatoes and carrots were on the dinner menu that night - YUM!!  We ate like kings!!

We were able to have campfires both nights - the evenings were gorgeous and we roasted marshmallows and enjoyed the relaxation!!


Teri said...

So jealous! Looked great!

DrKeppy said...

Love the columbines and the aspen pictures - so pretty!