Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Girl Time

It's sure nice to have two grand kids the same age who are as close as Kenzie and Aleah!  I never have to worry about entertaining them as they LOVE to just be together and play!!

We decided to make a loaf of bread in the bread machine - the girls had fun measuring and dumping in the ingredients and couldn't believe that a loaf of bread would come out!!

Time for outside play - bubbles and balls!

And here's the finished product!  Boy was it good with our homemade jelly!

We decided to play Monopoly and the girls had so much fun!!  They aren't quite as competitive as the boys are - and the game went on and on and on...................

Their special activity this year was swimming!  Since Woodland Park has that awesome new pool, I figured that would be the best thing since they both love to swim!  They had both forgotten their goggles so we stopped at the Dollar Store and sure enough, they had them!  But they didn't fit super tight and the girls didn't wear them very much.............

Then it was off to the Playpark with smoothies in hand!

Whoops - an upside down pic!!  Well, you get the drift, the girls were thoroughly exhausted after swimming and running around the park!

Before it got too late, Papa took them for a ride on the ATV!

And all too soon, it was time to deliver them to W. Pk, where Jaime ended up taking them back to Denver since they had dr. appts!  What a great time with Kenzie and Aleah!!


Teri said...

What a busy time - looks like so much fun!

Jill said...

Thanks Nana! Aleah had the best time ever!

DrKeppy said...

They always have so much fun with you!! You are the best Nana ever!