Thursday, December 19, 2019

Estes Park #3

After lunch Saturday, most of us walked over to Sweet Memorial to do the craft on making bouncy balls!  I was the official photographer so didn't make one but the kids and adults had a blast mixing the stuff together - but then you had to form the mixture into a ball and roll and roll and roll!!  WOW - it seemed to take FOREVER and since the kids had other plans, we ended up rolling their balls in front of the fire at the lodge!!  Fun times!

The kids enjoyed a fun afternoon while some of the adults relaxed and read.  After a taco bar dinner, we headed over for Bingo Night and took our annual picture!

And this was taken right before we started playing bingo!

Some of the kids hanging out together!

Practicing our YMCA logo!

Like my antlers?

There were some amazing clouds during our stay!  Matias took this picture and tagged it!

Goofing off!!

After bingo and roller skating and basketball (we closed the places down) we all headed back to the cabin so the adults could do their grab bags with the dice game!  It was great fun as usual!  Prediction time was next and I couldn't believe how BAD Glenn and I did on the answers - of course WE didn't win the money but were glad Jill and Robby did after a tie with the Smiths!  Tie breaker is the current temp at Estes Park!

Sunday it was time to pack up and leave - but not until after coffee and cinnamon rolls again!!  What an awesome Christmas we all had together!  We are all so blessed!


Teri said...

I just love that you can all get together and have fun!

Jill said...

Awesome re-cap! It was a great weekend!