Monday, December 30, 2019

Ft Collins Fun

It was a short 2 nights stay at home catching up on mail and laundry before I packed us up again and we left early Saturday morning for Ft. Collins!  The great advantage to leaving at 5:30am is the traffic -  there's not a lot!!  It was an easy drive with enough time to spare to grab coffee before getting to Jill and Robby's place!

We immediately headed over to Parker's final basketball game - these little ones had improved a lot and it was fun to see Parker play!

We stopped after the game at Robby's favorite donut place and got yummy donuts to eat back at the house with coffee!!

Aleah and Parker put together their gingerbread houses that afternoon - I'm not sure I've ever watched any of the grand kids doing this so it was fun to see the different decorations and how they each did their house - cute as can be!!

We ate an early dinner and then Jill, the kids and I headed out to The Gardens of Spring Creek to see their lights!  I've always wanted to go there and THIS WAS THE YEAR!!  It was super icy out so we all had to be careful walking!  Jill was surprised when we arrived to see that they had expanded all of the lights to a lot more sections to walk through!!

It was COLD!!  But the lights were amazing and I LOVED walking around seeing them!

Santa was there and because we were one of the first ones through the door, there was hardly any line to see him -hooray!!

I LOVE this huge watering can that was all lit up!!  The entire place was really well done!

After our light seeing adventure, we went to Starbucks for hot chocolate and apple cider - yum!!  What a fun day we had!!

Sunday was the kids' Christmas program at church!  We enjoyed watching Aleah who had a speaking part and Parker who portrayed Joseph!  Well done kids!!

Our original plans were to head on home Sunday afternoon but with the Broncos game playing AND a pretty big storm coming through,  we knew it was best to just wait till Monday morning to head home!  The guys watched the game, Jill had her book club party to go to and the kids and I played cards and games!!  It was a fun afternoon!!

The roads weren't too bad getting home on Monday and it was full speed ahead to more Christmas activities!!


Teri said...

I would have loved the Christmas lights - what fun!

Jill said...

So glad you got to join us with our tradition at The Garden's on Spring Creek!