Monday, August 31, 2020

August Photo Dump

 WOW - August is gone which makes me pretty darn excited since September is my ALL TIME FAVORITE MONTH!!  The fall decorations are going up today!  Time to make some apple cider to drink in front of the fireplace and start watching for the aspens to turn!

Just to give you an idea of how we know fall is arriving, it's been in the 40's every morning for the last week!!  This morning I was planning on walking for my exercise but when I saw the 40 degrees on the thermometer  and the wind blowing, I decided to stay in!  The sun is peeking out now but it's still only 44 at 9:00am!!

Anyway, here is the August photo dump!

Rayna and Matias out for dinner - such a cute couple!

We had some heavy hail a couple weeks ago!

It hailed so hard it knocked the bottom off of my humming bird feeder!!

The girls went out to celebrate Jill's 40th birthday!

We don't eat out on the patio very often but it was a perfect night for it!

Yes, the bucks are once again sporting their huge antlers!!!

I don't take many pictures of sunsets but this one was too pretty to NOT take!

Gwyn lost her FIRST tooth!

We get to see this set of twins pretty often - kind of a weird angle as I was up on the deck looking down!  

And that's a wrap for August!!!


Teri said...

I can't believe September is here. I am ready for the cool but not the darkness. I have been walking before work but not sure how much longer I can walk as it is dark out there :)

Jill said...

Great wrap up!

DrKeppy said...

I love that you do photo dumps now! Great pics!