Friday, August 21, 2020

Nedelle Comes to Visit

 How wonderful that 16 year old grand daughter Nedelle (Todd's daughter) came to visit us for a couple of days!  A friend of her mom's was heading out to Colorado and offered to bring her for a few days stay!

Nedelle stayed with other family for a couple of nights and then came to our place on Sunday!  Glenn enjoyed showing her all of his projects and gave her a couple of mechanic lessons as she has her own car!

We had a camping trip with the Smiths' lined up for the next couple of nights so it was nice to have Nedelle join us!  Even though the wilderness camping spots are impossible to find on the weekends, we really didn't think we would have a problem finding one during the week - WRONG!!  We headed to the back side of Marshall Pass and parked in the packed ATV drop off spot and went looking but there were none to be found - DARN!  So we headed back out to the highway and headed further up Poncha Pass and went in that way!  Luckily we found a very nice spot that both of us could camp in!

The kids made Nedelle feel right at home and played lots of games!

Laser tag was a big hit, especially in the evenings!

We only had Ned for one night of camping but they did get to ride in the razor for quite a while!  Unfortunately, the razor had problems and I ended up meeting them with the pickup to get Ned over to her ride home back to Iowa!  

Glenn and Matias went to load up the razor where they had left it and bring it back to camp - on the way here, they could see there was a grass fire just around the corner from our campers!!  They grabbed shovels and headed right back over there to help with the fire!  Brad and the kids went over to help too and a couple of hours later, the fire trucks finally got there to put it out!!  Pretty scary!!

Jaime and I enjoyed just relaxing, reading and taking walks!

Glenn and I had plans to stay an extra night but with the razor not running well, we decided we would just head back home with the Smiths.

An interesting camping expedition but I guess they all can't be perfect!


Jill said...

I'm excited Ned got to go with you guys!

Teri said...

Still sounded like fun!