Thursday, August 13, 2020

Covid 19 - It's Still Here

 I haven't really written much about the virus - it's still here - masks are required in most cases - lots more testing is being done.

School will be starting throughout the state in the next couple of weeks and each school district seems to be doing something different!  There are lots of pros and cons about kids going full time to school - and the debate goes on and on and on.....   I guess my feeling is that kids are going to get sick anyway when they go back to school, after being away from their friends for the last 6 months in many cases, so why not send them back now and start the process!  More than likely, schools will be shut back down sometime during the fall if this virus gets worse.

Our county received a variance so everything could open up - it was nice to go in and get a haircut and I've done that twice!  None of our fast food places are open to eat inside so it's all drive thru and eat in your car - which I don't enjoy!  We did eat breakfast out in Co. Springs one morning when we were down and that was enjoyable - all the necessary precautions were taken and it was fun to eat out!  But we really haven't ventured out for a "nice" evening meal yet!  So I'm still waiting on my birthday dinner with Glenn!

Unfortunately our Christian College in Woodland Park (Charis) hosted an event in early July and quite a few cases of the virus have arisen from that!  So many in fact that our county has received a letter from the health department stating that we are OVER the number of cases allowed to have everything opened!  But there hasn't been any cases that are coming from the local casinos and our commissioners are doing all they can to keep all the businesses open.

Our Teller County Fair was of course entirely different from what it usually is!  4-H is very active in our county and they still got to exhibit but it looked a whole lot different than it usually does and the public was not invited!  

In fact, everything in Colorado has been cancelled!  As I'm sure it has in other states too!  I can't imagine how many thousands of dollars have been lost in the tourism business this summer - Colorado is full of summer events and not a one of them have taken place!

So what is everybody doing?  They are ALL camping, ATVing, hiking and boating!  You would think the entire county is out camping from all the trailers and ATV's and boats that constantly go through Woodland Park - it's a NORMAL summer in that aspect!  But it's to be expected because there is basically nothing else to do!  We are hoping the camping will slow down a little bit once school starts!  It's even hard to find a wilderness camping spot nowadays!

I miss seeing new movies at Gold Hill Theaters - I miss the freedom of even walking into a bank (an appt. has to be made) - I'm tired of all the debates on Facebook - I miss seeing the smiling faces of people in public because of the mask wearing - I'm just tired of it all!  You don't realize how blessed you are and what privileges you have until something like this happens.


Teri said...

It is very hard and hard to know what to do and how much is too much and how much is not enough. I do find though that many people are going out of there way to be extra friendly. When I walk in the morning anyone I pass (and we pass with distance between us) make an effort to say hi and wave. It is a different world and we are making the best of it while keeping safe.

Jill said...

I'm tired of it too! I just keep wondering when things will get back to "normal". I'm hoping sooner than later.