Monday, November 1, 2021

Fall Break #2

 And the following weekend?  It was Keppys fall break - wow, 2 sets of kids and grandkids in 2 weeks!!  We were thrilled to have both sets down!

After Evan's final run with cross country at noon, they all headed down!  I had dinner in the crockpot all ready so we ate an early dinner and then I had to go to a meeting!

Am I shrinking????  I don't think so - this kid is STILL growing I believe!

Since the fire ban had been lifted, a campfire was in order for the rest of them since I was gone!  As you can tell, it was chilly out!

Papa always makes fun pancakes for Gwyn - and it IS close to Halloween!

Glenn's garden is still producing, even though we're getting to the end since it has frosted several times!  His carrots are amazing!

We played some cards during the day - Jessi and Gary went for a hike and out for lunch since it was their anniversary!  The kids and I stayed busy and we all enjoyed some down time.... Brad and Kylan stopped over later after dinner to pick up up Evan to take to their house!  These boys are really growing up!

I was telling the boys about heading out to turn down the hot tub before the Keppys arrived (we keep it too hot for Gwyn) and I could see something down at the bottom but couldn't figure out what it was!  Glenn had put some water in it the day before so I was perplexed on what it was - I turned on the jets for a minute and when they stopped I could see what it was - A DOLL'S HEAD!!!  CREEPY!!!!  I have a couple of smaller babies in the basket of hot tub toys for Gwyn and the older kids always pull the heads off!!!  So after that story and during sunset, we all rushed out to see if the sunset would be good and this is what we found - those crazy teenagers!!  The head was pushed onto my hummingbird pole!

Saturday morning it was Jessi and me time - and I was so excited to try out this new place I had discovered just a couple of miles from our house!!!  It's the Wild Horse Cafe which is at the Hope of Dawn ranch and I saw it advertised on Facebook so was anxious to try it out!  There are cabins you can stay at along with horseback riding, ax throwing, ziplining and all kinds of other things to do!

The cafe was cute as can be with lots of seating and a huge fireplace - places to sit outside too with a view of the mountains but the sun wasn't out that morning so it was darn cold out and we opted to sit inside!  The coffee menu was excellent!!!  They had cute "western" and "fall" names for all of their drinks and there was a LOT to choose from!  It was delicious and Jessi and I sat there for over 2 hours talking!

Since I had promised Kenzie a special coffee, I made one for her when we got home!

Lots of cards and games were played - I had ordered the action SkyJo since we like that game so much but wasn't impressed with it - maybe if we play it a few more times we'll enjoy it more....

After a wonderful time together, the Keppys headed out early evening, hoping to miss all that darn traffic - another fun weekend!


Teri said...

What fun! We have Action SkyJo and have just made up our own rules for the extra cards - makes it much more fun - give me a call and I will tell you how we play it :)

DrKeppy said...

We sure had a great time! Thanks for everything!!! And yes that coffee place was so fun!

Jill said...

Another fun grand-kid weekend!