Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Last Leg of the Journey

 The owners of the yurt always serve a great breakfast and we hooked up with the 2 couples we met the night before so said our goodbyes and headed out!  We had a short drive today so that was nice!  Decided to stop in Mulege as I wanted to see this church that a friend had talked about that was mostly made of steel and we had plenty of time so we stopped!

The church was beautiful!  You could see the metal parts on the outside and the inside - and the stained glass windows were amazing!

Next up was Loreto - one of our favorite Baja towns!  They have a coffee place so we headed there first for my coffee - I wasn't disappointed!  Glenn was hungry for tacos so he ordered and I had one of his!

This little guy wanted to hold my hand!

And the tree lined walk which I always love!

We arrived at Hotel Triupi mid-afternoon - there's always a beautiful blooming bush.  We were upstairs this year which had a better view but the room wasn't as nice and had many little things that needed to be attended to!  Glenn always likes to watch a little tv to relax by but couldn't get it to work, even when the front desk lady came to help - oh well!

Dinner was excellent though!  I had their delicious tortilla soup and Glenn had fajitas!  When we went back to our room, these 3 geckos ( one is not in the picture) were hanging out around our lamp outside our room!

We opted not to stay for breakfast since they don't start serving till 8:00 and we wanted to be on the road by 7:00!  A nice days drive picking up a bag of oranges in Constitution and arriving in Los Barriles about 2:30!  It was great to see our rental house with a new screen door and hurricane main door!  It's wonderful to be here!


Teri said...

What a cool church! Glad you made it!

Jill said...

Whoo Hoo! Glad you made it!