Saturday, June 18, 2022

Aleah's Dance Recital

 Busy times!  Glenn had decided when we were in Mexico that he did NOT want to go to his 50 year class reunion!  I gave him a deadline to tell me as airline tickets were on sale but he insisted he wasn't going to go!  Fast forward - after we got back home, he informed me (after he got a phone call from a friend he graduated with) that he WAS going to the reunion.  He actually graduated in 1970 but the reunion got cancelled 2 years in a row due to COVID.

Of course by this time the airline ticket was NOT on sale!  But even though it was 3 times as much as what it was before, I of course still booked it!  Your 50 year reunion only comes around once in a lifetime so I didn't begrudge it - well, not for long at least!

The nice thing about it was that his reunion was on the same weekend that Aleah had her dance recital which I was going to!  So I dropped him off at the airport and then headed to Ft. Collins!  It was SO green up there! I stopped at Ziggie's to get coffee and a drink for Jill before heading to their place! Robby's mom, Bev also came in a couple of hours after I arrived!

We played cards and had a great afternoon together!

It was one of those perfect evenings to sit out by the firepit!  Parker roasted marshmallows!

Saturday we went to Sam's - I was looking for a couple of items but unfortunately didn't find either one - oh well!  But we did buy flowers to give to Aleah!

And before we knew it, it was time to eat a very early dinner, get Aleah ready and head to the dance recital!  She looked AMAZING!

How cool to get a picture with both grandma's!

We had great seats and oh my gosh - this was NOT a dance recital but a production of The Wizard of Oz - it was absolutely amazing!  I love watching dancing anyway and between the music and the dances, I loved every minute of it!  Aleah did a fantastic job on her dance and I loved the song they danced to!

We went to Freddy's for ice cream after that - I had never been to one and was thrilled how good the ice cream was - Parker had order french fries too and they are the skinnest fries I've ever seen but OH SO GOOD!!  I'll have to remember that!

Sunday morning I headed out to go to Jessi's!  Gwyn FINALLY got to open her birthday present from us and loved her new rain boots!  They were all going to a church campout so were busy getting ready for that - it was kind of fun to just sit and watch all the action going on - HA!

My plans were to leave about 3:15 to pick up Glenn at the airport - he was due to arrive at 3:30.  But texted and said the plane was running late so I decided to just stay at Jessi's (even though they all left) until Glenn texted me.  The plane was quite late as they had to go way around to avoid a storm - I left as soon as I got the text and pulled into arrivals to pick him up!  When I couldn't see him down there, I texted and said I was waiting - no response - texted 5 times and STILL no response so started calling him.  And by this time security had already warned me I needed to move on - I just told them he was on his way out!  I called him 4 times and no answer and now I'm really starting to panic as I had no idea why he wasn't out there!  FINALLY he texted (he had put his phone in the suitcase as soon as he had texted me he had landed - REALLY??????) I said I had been there for 30 minutes and texted AGAIN where the car was - still he didn't come!!!  FINALLY after 40 minutes, I saw him walking towards me!  By that time I was so frustrated and angry and mad that I could hardly talk!!  And where was he all this time - waiting at DEPARTURES for me to pick him up!  Oh my gosh!!  He just figured I would pick him up where I dropped him off at!      Oh well, we finally made it home at 8:00pm that night!

And yes, he had a great time at his reunion!


Teri said...

so nice you got to see Aleah dance!! And husbands :) what can I say?

Jill said...

I'm so glad you and Bev came up for Aleah's recital! It was amazing!

DrKeppy said...

So glad we got to see you! UGH on the airport!!