Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Labor Day 2023

 I remember back in the day when Glenn and I were both working and we always looked forward to the 3 day holiday weekends so we could go camping!   And now that we've been retired for years, I think to myself that there is NO WAY we would be camping on Labor Day Weekend with all the crazies!!!  Gosh, it's busy out there - and we're SO content to just stay home!

The Keppys arrived Saturday afternoon -Brad, Jaime, Kylan, Irene, Matias and his girlfriend Maddie all came over and the games began!

I made mango daiquiris for the adults and virgin ones for the kids and we all had fun playing!

Lots of cooking for a crew that size but I had everything ready to go in the oven before anybody came so it all went smoothly!

Gwyn was sitting on Papa's lap and Jessi kept trying to get a picture of Gwyn's legs with Glenn's body - ha - she accomplished just that!!

The front porch is always a great place to relax!!  And it must have been chilly as I have a jacket on!

Glenn and Evan worked on the motorcycle so Evan could ride it around the property!

Sunday morning Glenn went outside and the Keppys car door was wide open - WHAT????  Yup, a bear had opened the door (after smearing dirt all over the outside and the window) and crawled in - even though there were some nuts in the door, he didn't take them!  There was hair on the seat and a musky smell!   Yes, all cars left outside now have their doors locked before sundown!!

Evan spent both nights over at Kylans place but when they were here, they went over to the rocks and worked on their "fort"!  They had a great time working on it - it was just a bunch of tall sticks making kind of a shelter but they're taking it to a whole new level!

Sunday morning Jaime, Jessi and I all went for coffee over at the Wild Horse - always fun to have coffee with your daughters (but we missed having Jill there!)   We worked at some plans for Christmas and just enjoyed the morning!  

Monday Jaime and Kylan came over for some grilled brats and hot dogs - my friend Carrie from Tx. arrived late morning - and the Keppys headed home after lunch!!  WOW - a busy weekend!

1 comment:

Jill said...

Always looks like so much fun at your house!