Saturday, September 9, 2023

Headed Down The Pass

 WOW - a chance to see Kenzie play AGAIN in Colorado Springs!!  Who would have thought they would travel that far to play?

Since Jaime was off mid-afternoon, Glenn and I picked up Brad at his place and met Jaime at work in Woodland Park - we headed down to the Springs, knowing traffic would be bad and the game was in north Co. Springs but Jaime drove and made good time!

It was fun to see Jessi who had driven down from Denver to the game AND Rayna who usually works on Tuesday nights but asked for it off so she could watch Kenzie play!

I LOVE to watch this girl serve - she has such a pretty serve!  AND this girl is captain of her team!

Here's the crew that watched her play!

Kenzie with cousin Rayna!

Jessi, Jaime and I decided to leave after Kenzie played and go get In and Out Burgers for all of us - I had never had one so was excited to try one!  I wish I could say I loved them but for me, they were just OK!

Check out how tall Kenzie is getting!!  

It was a fun evening and after eating in the bleachers, we watched the varsity game and then headed back up the pass!


Jill said...

How fun everyone got to see Kenzie play!

Teri said...

What a great opportunity! she is getting tall!

DrKeppy said...

So glad you guys got to come!! It as a fun evening!