Friday, January 19, 2024

December Photo Dump

 It IS mid-January - time to get December put to bed!!  

Glenn has worked some on his lift for the shop - we had such a COLD December that a lot of days it just wasn't feasible to be out there!  But he's gaining on it and will have it finished up soon after we get home from Mexico!

I LOVE the park trees all lit up in Woodland Park!

I made a double batch of lefsa in December - and I'm eating the last bag (which of course was frozen!)  It was a LONG day making it, but totally worth the sore back when I was finished!

Pikes Peak after a snow - always a fantastic sight!

Kitchen FAIL !!!  My friend Beth had brought a bundt cake to our choir girls get together a couple months ago - I LOVED the shape of it and haul my bundt cake pan to Mexico so thought it would be a great idea to get another one and why not try the really different one!  Of course we were having company that weekend!!!  I was busy in the kitchen while it was baking and all of a sudden started smelling something burning!!  OH MY GOSH!!  The cake batter was just oozing over the top!!  I grabbed a cookie sheet and put it under the cake BUT about 1/3 of it was already on the oven bottom.  So I grabbed a dishrag and started mopping up the cake and using a spatula to try to get it up before it burned even more - NOT FUN on a hot oven!  WHAT A MESS!!!  Once the oven cooled, then I had to scrub the racks and finish it up!!

But yes, what was LEFT of the cake came out beautiful and I LOVE the pattern!!  But just not willing to risk doing that again in the oven so Goodwill, you're getting a brand new bundt pan!  I'll stick with my old one!

And that's a wrap for December!

1 comment:

Jill said...

The cake did turn out pretty!