Saturday, January 27, 2024

Estes Park #3

 It's Sunday - no big plans in the morning so most slept in!  Glenn got a nice crackling fire going in our cabin and we enjoyed Jill's breakfast casserole that she had brought!

Mid-morning we headed over with our coffee and enjoyed cinnamon rolls again - yummy!!  Then the adults and adult kids had our grab bag gift exchange - always a great time!

Next up was our predictions!!  That's always fun to read the answers after an entire year!!  I was shocked that Glenn and I actually won this year!!  HOORAY!!  We'll use the money for a nice meal out on our way way to Mexico!

The kids all scattered after lunch - a bunch went swimming and Jaime's bunch plus Gwyn went to the craft center!

Jessi, Jill and I decided to take a walk!  We walked UP the hill from our place - so pretty!!  And we always enjoy peeking into cabins if there are no cars there to see the floor plans!!  BUT we got caught this year - peeked into one place (no car) and there's people sitting right there in the living room - GEESH!!  We high tailed it right out of that driveway!

These 3 girls plus Evan wanted to go roller skating so we drove down to the pond!  It was SO COLD!  But the kids had a fun time, even though the ice was kind of bumpy!

Gary came down a little later and took our picture!

Next up was tye-dyeing!  I didn't bring anything to tye dye so I played photographer!

Trying to figure out a design was the hardest part!

But the kids (and adults) all enjoyed it and had a fun time!  Most of them turned out great!

To Be cont'd....

1 comment:

Jill said...

It was cold watching the kids ice skate! Glad they had a good time and glad they didn't want to stay to long!