Friday, January 12, 2024

Ice Castles in Cripple Creek

 I really didn't drop off the face of the earth - life just got in the way the past few weeks!

BUT I am back on track and ready to finish out the year and start the new 2024 blogs!

The Ice Castles - I was so excited to go see them!  Glenn and I and another couple had been to them over at Silverthorne many years ago and I loved them back then!  But we had went during the day and I knew that this time, I wanted to go at night!

Since we rarely drive at night (unless we have to) I called Jaime and asked if she would take us!  She rallied her group and we ended up taking 2 carloads over!  Jaime drove our car with Glenn and I, Matias and his girlfriend Mattie.  Brad drove his car with Rayna, Kylan and Irene!

It was COLD out - very cold - we all dressed in layers and wore hats and gloves and boots but it was STILL really cold in there - what did we expect?  It was all ice!!

I loved that they posted these informative signs!


The group

This is the short slide - and yes, I went down it!!

When you stood in line to do the slide, you were up much higher and the view was pretty cool!

There were several of these ice formations!

After an hour or so we were all froze and it was time to head home!   The only thing I believe they could have added is a hot chocolate stand on the way out - we would have sure enjoyed that!

1 comment:

Teri said...

That looks really cool!! How fun!!