Sunday, March 3, 2024

First Guests Arrive

 It's nice to get settled into a routine - however Glenn's EARLY wake up call has invaded and I'm not sure I've had a great nights' sleep since we arrived!  He tends to go to bed between 8 and 9 - I can't go to sleep before 10 so why try?  But then Glenn will get up sometimes at 4:30 in the morning!  And with the house being cement walls and tile floors, there's no way no matter how hard you try, to be completely quiet!  So of course I wake up when he does and rarely can get back to sleep!  Surviving on 5 hours of sleep a night is just not cutting it for me!  And I'm one of these people who can't nap, but will close my eyes for 10 minutes or so when I'm reading - so it's NOT a win-win situation for me either way!  Oh well, as they say, sleep is overrated!

I LOVE this view!  And we brought down 2 more bright red camp chairs to help with the seating on the front porch!

We picked up Patty and Leonard on 2/19 - it was great to see them and they arrived on time!  We headed back to Los Barrilles to eat at El Panzon for a late lunch but of course I forgot to take a picture!  They got settled in and their vacation started!

Unfortunately, Leonard woke up the next morning feeling awful - chest congestion with cold symptons and extremely tired!  We ended up going to town to get him some more cold medicine after theirs ran out - he basically slept for 3 days, rarely getting up and we all felt so bad for him!

Patty did a lot of sleeping too but enjoyed walking the beach and of course we talked a mile a minute as we had lots to discuss and catch up on!

This sunrise was fantastic!

It even moved over to the front of our house!  I always love the pink!

Glenn was ambitious one day and decided to cut some of the dead palms off the trees! We did have a couple of windy days when Patty's were here - and Glenn usually gets caught up on his chores on those days - ha!

This is the day before the full moon although it looks pretty full here!

When Glenn is around, we sometimes walk the "loop" instead of on the beach - this was taken on a back road on the loop - notice all the thorns on this bush!  

Ahhhhh - Baja Life!


Sherry said...

Looks beautiful! I so want to come back and go fishing and walk the beach looking for sea glass.

DrKeppy said...

Glad they made it!! You're gonna have to figure out how to nap - ha!

Jill said...

Beach life looks great! Hope you start getting more sleep!