Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Energy Boost!

I need a shot of energy - I think the rainy weather is making me tired!! I've decided I could never live in Seattle where it rains a lot because our monsoon weather is starting to get to me!! It's rained every afternoon for probably the last 2 weeks which is very typical this time of year! But most of the time, it rains for a couple of hours and then the sun comes back out for the late afternoon and evening. NOT!! This year the sun has decided to hide the rest of the day and I'm missing the sunshine!


The hail claims have subsided at work so things are getting back to normal! Now the daunting job of calling everyone who had a claim to remind them to bring their completed roofing paperwork into me so I can update the computer!


I've been spending the last week doing hours of research for our annual Gran Trip next Feb.!! We have the trip down to 2 locations - Belize and Aruba - and it's been fun checking out these places and looking at places to stay on the internet since we've never been to either of them! Now it's time to get dates in motion, prices at both locations and make the final decision! It seems early to be doing this but I already emailed one of the places and they've already got several bookings for Feb. so it's time to get in gear!!!


I forgot to mention 2 things in my last camping blog! First - I had ordered an inverter so I could play my IPOD in the camper and it arrived before our trip so we tried it this last camping trip and it works FANTASTIC!!! No more dragging along the large boom box and putting 8 batteries in it every so often!! HOORAY!! Second - one of the camping sites we drove by on the ATV was a nice flat spot with quite a large camping trailer - they must have planned on being there awhile because they had put solar lights in the ground around the front of the camper to make a little yard, along with some small flags - it was cute as can be and gave the trailer a real homey look while camping!!


Where are all the does and their new fawns this year????? We've only seen one little fawn - a far cry from the twins and quads last year!! I have a feeling it's because there are now 2 dogs next door instead of one and they tend to bark a whole lot more.............. Darn - I really enjoyed seeing those little fawns around and I miss them!!


The next post will have pics as we're all going to the North Pole this Sunday - I better take a double dose of energy for that...............


Teri said...

I miss the deer pics too! We don't have rain here but we have heat and humidity and that is just doing me in!

DrKeppy said...

Send the rain over here!! Glad you can rock it out to your Ipod in the camper now :) Looking forward to Sunday (the rain better be done by then!!)