Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The "Sore Finger" Update

I DID go to the doctor last week - I'm not excited about where the location of this dr. is because she's at the hosptial which is out of town and takes longer to get there - but on the other hand, I never go to the dr. anyway so why should I worry??

Anyway, I DID like the new dr. - she was VERY friendly, very talkative, and very compassionate which I really appreciated!! And she also charged me the least amount possible since I don't have insurance to cover dr. visits!

Now to get to the point - she took one look at my finger and knew exactly what it was - and of course I threw the piece of paper away where she had written it down for me but bottom line it's an infection around the fingernail (not such a big deal) BUT it's a staph infection (quite a big deal!). I was shocked about it being a staph infection and was THANKFUL I had made the appointment - you don't mess around with those types of infections!! Where I picked it up, I have no idea but I guess you can pick it up about anywhere - scarey thought!

She said a round of powerful antibiotics would take care of it and she even had her nurse call to make sure the prescription she was giving me could come in a generic form so I wouldn't have to pay too much - I really thought that was nice!!

SO I've been on antibiotics for almost a week now - I still continue to soak it at night and put neosporin and a bandaid on during the day (per the dr's orders) and my finger DOES look better - however, it is still sore - I'll wait another couple of days and if it's still sore on Friday, I'll call the dr. to make sure I don't need another round of drugs!!


ahh bear said...

It's good you went to the doctor! Wow - that's scary - I'm glad she's so nice though!! Hopefully it starts feeling better very soon.

Teri said...

Glad you found out what it was. It is hard to believe something so little like that can cause such problems. Take care!