Thursday, August 19, 2010

How Can Something So Small, Hurt So Bad????

Today I broke down and made a doctor appointment - that's a big step for me as I rarely go to the dr. except for my annual exam!! And it's for the darndest thing - an infected finger!!

The middle finger on my right hand started puffing up and hurting like crazy about 2 weeks ago , all around the nail area - I didn't think much about it as figured I had bumped it or something - but it never got better so I did the next best thing, researched it on the internet!

The "fix" was to soak it in epsom salt in VERY hot water for as long as possible (which was pretty difficult to do at work since I type with it) and then put neosporin on it with a bandaid to keep it clean!

So I was very diligent about doing that for a few days but it didn't get any better!! I called Jaime and she was concerned it wasn't getting better and said to start on amoxicillin which I had in the cupboard (I had bought some in Mexico last Feb.)

Fast forward to today - I have taken a week's worth of antibiotics, soaked it nightly, and used the neosporin and it's NOT any better - hence the phone call to the doctor!

Was I ever surprised to hear that my regular doctor (whom I see once about every 4 years) is no longer practicing here in Woodland Park!! Another doctor has taken over though and has my records so I will be seeing someone new!

Hopefully there's an easy fix for my poor finger!!


ahh bear said...

Oh no! When do you get to see your new doctor? I just had to go in for an appointment to "establish myself as a patient" (ie do nothing at this appt so that I can see them in the future) ... I had to wait an hour ... but at least I got a tetanus shot out of the deal!

Teri said...

Good luck with the finger. I always hate it when I don't know what is wrong with me.