Wednesday, April 13, 2011

April 13th

Isn't it funny how you remember certain dates? I was driving home tonight when it dawned on me that it was April 13th - I'd written the date a dozen times during the day but it didn't hit me what this day was till later - 3 years ago today I broke my leg!!

So I decided to call Jessi and remind her - since I was at her house when it happened, she probably STILL feels responsible even though she wasn't even home!!

I called her and she answered hello and I said - "Do you know what day this is?" and she promptly responds - "Yes, today Parker is 2 months old!!" Of course as soon as she started talking, I realized it was Jill, not Jessi - I dialed the wrong number!!

I still consider the 13th to be a LUCKY day, despite the broken leg - after all, now THREE people in our immediate family can call the 13th their birthday!!


Teri said...

Amazing what the 13th means to you! Hope this day is much better than 3 years ago! said...
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