Friday, April 29, 2011

Is Sleeping Overrated?

I'm one of those people who is REALLY cranky if I don't get my allotted sleep at night - now I don't need a full 8 hours or anything, but a good 7 hours is required!!

I've also felt quite fortunate that I'm not one of those people who CAN'T fall asleep or wakes up every hour on the hour! Sure, I have my nights that I can't seem to fall asleep - but it only happens about once every 2 or 3 months and I usually don't wake up TOO much except when nature calls or I'm having night sweats (one of those WONDERFUL things that happens to you when you get older!!).

But what I have felt for the past few months is that I needed a new pillow - I have been sleeping on an extremely well used down pillow and it just wasn't giving me the support that I needed! My wonderful chiropractor has told me time and time again to invest in a water pillow - and it was just a matter of getting on the internet and ordering one! And that's what I did!!

It arrived this week - I promptly followed the instructions and filled it with water and have been sleeping on it for 3 nights now - there are 3 different levels you can fill it to and I opted to start at the "medium" level - and time will tell if I need to add more water or take some out!

So do I have any results yet?? Not really - although I do have to say it's very comfortable to sleep on and I have slept good the past 3 nights - because it's a little higher than my old pillow, I have a little trouble falling asleep because my neck is not yet used to the height - but hopefully that will work itself out soon!

The other item that Jessi suggested I get is a body pillow to rest my arm on, since I'm a side sleeper!! I have been using that for about 3 weeks now and I LOVE it!! I don't wake up in the morning, feeling my shoulders are all crunched over and sore!!

SO between the new water pillow and the new body pillow, I expect in the next few weeks to have nights upon nights of PERFECT sleep!! Yea right - dream on...................


DrKeppy said...

Glad the water pillow seems to be working out for you! wishing you many nights of great sleep! (and no- sleeping is NOT overrated!!!)

Teri said...

Keep us informed. Always looking for ways to have better sleep! And right now I could use some - 6 hour time difference is not easy to adjust to -kids believe 4am is wake up time!

Grumpy Old Git said...

I have used the same pillow for years and it is extremely comfortable. What I'd like to know is, how come some nights i go to bed and it feels like this same pillow has turned into a sack of potatoes. Queue sleepless night.