Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Dreaming About Sand and Sun.............

as I left the house this morning in zero degree weather - BRRRR - it feels more like January weather than February!! But knowing that we're heading to warm weather in Mexico next week DOES put a smile on my face!!

As I'm sitting at my desk at Glenn's work, looking out at the awesome view I have of Pikes Peak, it reminded me of something new at my house!!

Because I received a very nice bonus from my old boss at Christmas, I knew that I had extra money to spend on ME!!! And I've already purchased 2 items!!

The first is a new piece of luggage!! Since we travel so much, our luggage is really starting to show the wear and tear!! In fact, it was to the point that I thought we needed to duct tape a portion on the outside where the fabric is almost gone!! Anyway, we had stopped at a Tuesday Morning a while back and there in the back was luggage so I decided to take a peek!! I found this beautiful piece of gray luggage which is a carry-on and it has those fabulous wheels that can go any direction!! The price was right - and it's sitting in my bedroom just waiting to be packed!!

The second item I ordered is something I have wanted since October 1st when it first came out!! It's a book - a "coffee table" book - written by a local author. The name of the book is "365 Days of Pikes Peak" - and what the author did for an ENTIRE year was to take a daily photo of Pikes Peak - from a different location or time of day!! And along with the photo, is a paragraph or two about where he took the picture and why!! The book is ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL!! I have started from the front and have read and looked at the pictures for 6 months and I can't wait to finish the book!! A lot of the pictures were taken of course from places we know and have been so it really makes the book personable!! The book is not cheap - in fact it's $99.00 - but it is worth every penny and it's a book I'll treasure!

The sun is slowly peeking out now and hopefully that zero degree thermometer will be creeping up fast!!


Teri said...

New luggage - what a luxury! Jay got me a new suitcase for Germany that can be a backpack or have wheels to pull. I think it will work great! And that book sounds fabulous!

DrKeppy said...

Hooray! No pictures of the new luggage? Can't wait to see the book - it sounds great! Can I come with you on vacation??

Patty Jensen said...

Oooooh new luggage and a book - what fun new things to buy for yourself with your bonus money - won't be long and I'll see the luggage in person :)And hopefully I will get to see that wonderful book someday :)

ahh bear said...

The cold hit here too!! I wish we had some warmth here! Have so much fun in Mexico :)