Friday, February 24, 2012

Manzanillo Mexico - #3

Manzanillo certainly had their share of beautiful sunrises!! We would leave the heavy drapes open during the night and just have the sheers closed - that way I could just open my eyes and see if the sun was coming up in the morning!
Glenn and Jim were heading out early Sunday morning for their annual fishing trip! Otherwise I'm sure they wouldn't have been up at 6:00am!! Each of them just ordered room service so they could eat a bite before heading out! The buffet wasn't even open at that time of the morning!! I got up right after they left so I could snap the above photo and the one below - the boat you see heading out is the fishermen!
The fishing widows, Brenda and I, met for a leisurely breakfast that morning and even put our towels and books out on chairs so we would be assured of getting the places we wanted - we saved for Patty and Leonard also and were dismayed when we arrived there later to see that someone had the audacity to move one of the books and TAKE our chair!!
We even joined Patty in doing water aerobics that morning - a good workout I might add but the water was COLD!!

We missed the guys coming back in from fishing but nothing huge was caught anyway - they did have a good time though and that's what counts!! I believe we ate lunch at this restaurant which was excellent!
The hours passed as we read and relaxed and just enjoyed the day!
Glenn and Jim had arranged for the Mexican place to cook the fish for our evening meal - it was excellent and we enjoyed eating their catch of the day! Glenn was trying to look "pretty" here I guess!
As far as our evenings' activities, well all I can say is we must be getting old because by 10:00 we were ready for bed - too much sun I guess!! After a quick stop at Club Premium for a bite of dessert, we were off to our rooms for another good nights' sleep...............To Be Cont'd
P.S. I did NOT blog while we were gone or keep a journal of what we did - Patty reminded me that we DID go dancing at the disco Sat. night - I completely forgot about that!!! It was "techno" disco so we didn't dance a lot but they did play some fun songs!!! There was a wedding that was held on the beautiful lawn late afternoon and the setting was so pretty!!! Most of the wedding party was at the disco dancing and they were ALL having a great time!!!


Patty Jensen said...

Wow just a week ago we were there weren't we??? What fun - you got more good pics :)

DrKeppy said...

WOW just amazing scenery!! I bet you could just sit and look all day long!!