Monday, February 13, 2012

Ft. Collins Shopping!

Usually Jessi is my shopping partner - and usually with her I ALWAYS find bargains!!! But THIS time, Jill moves up to the #1 spot for our fantastic shopping expedition on Sunday!!

I wanted a new ski type looking coat and a new pair of snowboots - of course NOW is the time to buy them with all the sales going on!! I had looked at Kohl's when Joleen and I were in the Springs over a week ago but the nice ones were still going for $100 and I just was not going to spend quite that much!

But we headed to Kohl's anyway............and walked to the back where all the coats were hanging with 80% sale signs up - wow - this is looking GOOD!!! I walked by a rack and saw this purple and white ski coat (the only one of course like that) and just happened to pick it up and carry it with me - purple is usually not a color I would wear a lot but it was really cute!! Jill and I looked and looked and found a nice blue one and an aqua one in a larger size - soon I hung the blue coat back up where it was quickly snatched by another lady!! And after debating between the purple and the aqua, I decided to buy the purple one - it was a $200 coat marked down to $40.00!!! FANTASTIC!! So I put the aqua one back on its hanger and hung it up where IT was immediately snatched by a lady!! Trust me, I hung onto that purple coat with BOTH HANDS!! Went up to check out and of course you KNOW what happened - it rang up at $24.00 - I couldn't believe it - $24.00 for a super heavy ski coat with a zipout liner inside!!

Next it was to Sports Authority to look for snowboots - I immediately found a pair I liked (not on sale) but they were only $49.99 and I was more than willing to pay that because they fit great and looked VERY stylish!! And trust me, I am NEVER stylish!!!

SO went to check out and you know the story - they rang up at $21.14!!! We were so excited that Jill went back and bought a pair too!!

A successful shopping spree is ALWAYS fun!! And to think I got a new coat and boots for under $50.00 puts a BIG smile on my face!!!


DrKeppy said...

I'm still bitter I got demoted. NOT FAIR!!! :)

Patty Jensen said...

Wow those were quite the bargains - I want to go shopping with your daughters although I have to say Cheri does pretty good in that department :)

Teri said...

Take me with you next time! Though I can't complain about how well Emily does with me when we go out.