Sunday, February 12, 2012

Parker Turns ONE!

It must be February - almost time to go to Mexico with the siblings - and time to celebrate Parker's FIRST birthday and Evan's FIFTH birthday!!

Which brings us to memories of last year - being in Mexico and finding out from Facebook that Parker had been born!! So we missed the birth but we weren't about to miss his first birthday!!

I had a fun day on Saturday babysitting Parker and Aleah while Jill worked and the guys went ice fishing for the ENTIRE day!! Parker is usually found on his mom's lap or in her arms but without her around, I GOT HIM!!!

We had a great day just PLAYING - all day long!!! Both kids were excellent and I received lots of smiles and giggles from both of them!!

Parker kind of enjoyed opening his presents but I can guarantee you that Aleah loved playing with his gifts!!!

Cake time was just downright funny - there was NO hesitation from Parker when he saw that piece of cake in front of him - he grabbed it with both hands, pulled a large piece to his mouth and that's where his hands stayed, just holding that piece to his mouth and gumming down that cake!!!

He ate every last bit - and then proceeded to pick up the plate and lick the crumbs!!

Glenn and Robby had a fun day fishing although they didn't catch too many - most were not big enough to keep but one walleye met the criteria and we're having it for dinner on Monday night!!

Parker decided he liked my earrings!!

Little Miss Aleah is not so little anymore - I was AMAZED when she picked up Jill's iphone and proceeded to scroll through till she found what she was looking for and then played a game - wow - 2 1/2 years old and she knows better than her Nana what to do with that phone!! Sure makes me feel old..............

Parker has the two cutest teeth on the bottom and both upper front teeth have just broke through too - he's such a cutie!!

We all kind of collapsed Sat. night after we put the kids to bed and could hardly stay awake for the 2 shows we were trying to watch.............And stay tuned for Jill's and I's shopping trip...............


DrKeppy said...

Oh I can't wait to see him! His new little toofers are so cute!! Glad you FINALLY got to be the center of Parker's attention! :)

Patty Jensen said...

Oh what a cutie and loved the pic of him licking the plate :) And Aleah - what a dollie she is too - glad you got to go and enjoy your grandchildren - they are the best aren't they????

Teri said...

Sounds like a perfect day! What more could you ask for than to be alone with them. My time is coming - I get to babysit while Amanda works one day when I am down there - can't wait!