Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Cold, frosty mornings - golden aspen trees - and no more capris or sandals - September MUST be here!!  And it's flying by way too fast, even though I'm saying SLOW DOWN - let me enjoy!!

I LOVE September - it's been my favorite month for as long as I can remember!  And even though it's pretty chilly every morning, I love the fact that I have to put on a jacket to walk out the door in the mornings!  The drive between our house and Woodland Park is gorgeous - once again, the aspens are beautiful and I'm hoping we don't have a hard rain to knock those leaves off!

I'm so looking forward to our "fall trip" which is this Friday!  Our usual adventure takes us to Lake City but we're changing it up this year and going to Ouray - yes, a little bit further but we're excited to try out new ATV trails and this will be the perfect place!  Peak colors over that way was last weekend so the colors should be wonderful!!  Be prepared for pictures in the next blog - LOTS and lots of fall pictures!!


DrKeppy said...

Hooray for the colors changing! I hope the aspens are at peak in Ouray for you this weekend!

Jill said...

I love fall pictures, can't wait to see them!

Teri said...

Sounds like lots of fun! We are not changing here yet - only a few random leaves here and there.