Sunday, January 13, 2013

Random Thoughts on a Minus 20 Degree Sunday

It's cold - let me say that again - IT'S COLD!!!  DARN COLD!   Minus 20 when we got up at 7:30 so who knows what it was during the night????  When I left for church at 9:00am it was STILL 11 below........Now it's 5:30 and it's a balmy zero out - dinner WILL be served in the lower level where it's nice and cozy!!

And then there was the Broncos game yesterday.........sigh........I don't normally watch football but DID sit down and watch the game while I started swedish weaving - and they basically had the game won until the last 32 seconds..................double overtime but they couldn't pull it out - and here we all thought they had a great chance of going to the Super Bowl!

Christmas is down and put away!!  Usually it's such a chore to do it but for some strange reason this year I actually didn't mind putting it away and re-decorating the house!  It might have been because I had already cleaned the storage area where all the tubs go and re-arranged so they were easier to get to AND also the fact that I didn't put everything up AND because I actually sent a box to Goodwill this year.

Our weekend was spent at home -  that's right - AT HOME - shocking I know!!  But since Christmas had to get taken down, no plans were made so that could be accomplished!  And since the next 5 weekends have plans, I needed a relaxation day!!  So I spent the afternoon on the couch in front of the fireplace, huddled under a blanket (reading) with coffee and then M & M's and then caramel popcorn to keep me company - so much for watching what I eat this weekend!

The buzzer is going off so it must be time for pizza!  And hopefully the football games are DONE for the day!


Teri said...

Way too cold for me! We had a pretty relaxing weekend too. It is nice sometimes to just stay home!

Patty Jensen said...

Wow it IS cold out there - we are having single digits in the a.m. but 20's during the day. Bet you are glad to have Christmas down - mine is still up :)