Saturday, September 19, 2015

Cinnamon Pass

We actually slept in Monday since the sun didn't wake us!  We were surprised at how long it took for the sun to peek out since we were further west but soon realized the sun wasn't going to shine much that day - it turned out to be pretty cloudy with a lot of mist off and on during the day!  Oh well...............

After breakfast and packing the ATV, we headed out with our long johns on, hats and gloves and our sweatshirts!  Thank heavens I put my double and triple layers on because it was darn cold riding that machine!!

Red Mountain - need I say more..............

As we were riding along looking from side to side, luckily I was turned in the right direction because guess what I saw?  A mama moose!!  We pulled off to the side of the road and used the binoculars to check her out!  And then out of the brush came 2 calves - how exciting to see this although I didn't get a picture of the little ones!

We had a fun day riding up the pass but didn't go to the very top - it was misty out and looked pretty rainy so we turned around and ended up taking a side road we hadn't been on before!  It was a nice scenic ride!  And then out of nowhere is this huge boulder by the side of the road!

It was certainly out of place and then we looked up and realized it had come down from the cliffs at some point!  As we traveled on, there were dozens and dozens of these rocks and boulders that had come crashing down at one point!!  You could even see the path they took in one spot!  I told Glenn we needed to drive FAST through this section as it was a little creepy!!  Here's the cliffs above us.

There was a lot of water running in the stream beside us and lots of beautiful waterfalls!

The aspens were gorgeous!

We headed into Lake City that evening to eat at Southern Vittles - they have some excellent barbecue!

And so ended our second night in Lake City..........To Be Cont'd

1 comment:

Teri said...

Beautiful! What a great place to stay.