Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Glenn's Progress

A week ago Glenn had his check up with his cardiologist - the doctor said he is doing fantastic!!  He was happy with the way Glenn's scar looks and his EKG came out great!  Glenn is only on 2 medications now and possibly will go off one when he sees the dr again in December!

So we're coming up on 2 months post-surgery which means Glenn can get back soon to doing the things he loves to do - like BUILDING OUR HOUSE!!  He has hired a guy to help him which is helping out immensely  - this guy can do all the lifting of the heavy things as Glenn is still weight restricted! 

Glenn goes to cardiac rehab 3 times a week and is reaching the end of that also - he TELLS me he's the hardest worker in his class!!  And he's walking up to the property to work on the house at least once if not twice a day - so he really is making great progress!

He said goodbye to his pillow a few weeks ago - the one he had to hold against his chest whenever he got up out of a chair or coughed or sneezed!!  Of course the family had to sign it!!

It's exciting to see Glenn getting back to the way he was before!!


Jill said...

He has made amazing progress! I'm sure partly because of you!

Teri said...

So happy for all of you! We must talk soon and get caught up!