Wednesday, September 23, 2015

House Update - aka Still Plugging Along.............

Glenn graduated from cardiac rehab today!!  He told me all the class members and staff are going to miss him as he always made everybody laugh!!  That's Glenn for you! He did do really well at the rehab center and feels like he's about 80% back to normal!  So we know what that means - FULL SPEED AHEAD ON THE HOUSE!!

Actually he's been working up there quite a bit along with a great helper - no more naps for him during the day so he's pretty tired when he comes home but is accomplishing a lot and that's exciting!!

Yesterday he passed his insulation inspection so the ceiling can now go up!!

 But in the meantime, they started on the drywall - I really was starting to believe that this day would NEVER COME!!!  Drywall sure makes the spaces seem smaller!  But I've been up there with my tape measure figuring out the closet configuration and where things will go!!

 Part of the kitchen wall is done - so soon we'll be able to contact the cabinet guy and have him come out to measure for the cabinets!

Still a LONG ways to go - but progress IS being made!!

1 comment:

Teri said...

Wonderful! I was wondering how it was going along. Looks great. We need to talk - just to catch up. Let me know if you are around tonight or not. I am at the condo.