Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Adventures In The Rain

You guessed it - we woke up to rain again....................it was cool and dreary out but our reservations had already been made for the day so we put on our smiley faces and just went with it!!

Glenn was not up to going with us that day - his stomach was acting up so he decided to spend the day at the house - Cindy, Rene' and I headed out for our suspension bridges/sky tram/zip-lining day!!  And promised to come back and pick up Glenn when we were done so we could all eat lunch together!

The adventure place was only about 4 miles from our place - there were people there despite the rain and we couldn't believe the amount of people that came unprepared - didn't even bring rain coats - so they went into the gift store and bought ponchos!!

There was a huge butterfly/moth (we couldn't decide for sure which one it was!!) on the building and it never moved while we were there!!

 Our guide was great and we did a 2 1/2 hour hike through the rain forest and going over about 8 different suspension bridges!!  The guide would stop and show us all kinds of plants and trees and it was very informative!!  We really enjoyed walking over the suspension bridges!!

 Now mind you it is raining during this entire hike!!  The rain was dripping off my raincoat onto my pants and we were all soaked by the time the day was over!!  Under my raincoat I was pretty dry as my raincoat is a good one but Cindy's didn't hold up and she was soaked to the skin!!

Again, a beautiful waterfall to take pictures by!!

 This one we had to climb over rocks to get pictures but it was worth it!!

 This particular tree which of course I have already forgotten the name of, had spiny thorns growing up its' side!

 Looking down into the jungle from these bridges were amazing views!!  Despite the rain, we loved the hike!!

 We had a quick break before we were strapped into our zip lining belts and then rode the sky tram up to the top - a great ride but it was raining so hard I didn't take any pictures!!

And then it was time to zip line - we all did a test one first on a short line!!  I have zip lined twice before but for Cindy and Rene' it was their first time!!

 Cindy and I thoroughly enjoyed it - Rene' not so much.................The first zip line was the longest and the rain was coming down hard so it felt like ice pellets hitting your face as you were going so fast!!  It was actually even hard to look around because of the pelting rain!!

 But we did all 8 stations and if we thought we were wet before, we were kidding ourselves!!!  We were so cold and wet that we didn't even buy our souvenirs at the gift shop - we decided to come back the next day since it was so close!!

We headed home for a quick change and then  picked up Glenn for lunch - we headed to a little place we had seen the day before - unfortunately you sit outside under a canopy as was the case for most places but the food was so good we didn't even mind being a little cold!!  We ordered "tico bowls" and they were amazing!!

Beans, rice, tomatoes, avocados, pico de gallo, and pulled pork in a bowl, served with the best tasting tortilla chips I've ever tasted!!!  Put that with the pineapple smoothie and we were set!!!!

Everything was so wet and damp inside the house that we turned on the gas stove burners to heat up the place and to take the humidity out of the air - it felt so good to be warm and dry that evening as we relaxed!!

1 comment:

Teri said...

Love the bridges - not sure if I would walk them but they look fantastic. So sorry it was wet - not much fun but you still get out there and see it all!